Learn How To Test a Security Key

How to test a security key with passkeys?

Test security key functionality using the Passkeys Debugger to ensure proper passkey creation and login. This guide will validate the integration of WebAuthn and external security keys for authentication processes.

Test platform authenticator

Objectives when testing a security key with passkeys?

To test the functionality of a security key using the Passkeys Debugger. This will verify that the external hardware-based security key (e.g., YubiKey, Google Titan) works correctly for both passkey creation and passkey login.

Prerequisites for testing a security key with passkeys

  • A device (e.g., laptop, desktop) with a USB port or NFC support.
  • A web browser that supports WebAuthn (latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari).
  • A hardware security key (e.g., YubiKey, Google Titan Key).

Devices that are needed to test passkeys with a security key

  • Device A: The testing will be conducted on a device that can connect to a hardware security key via USB or NFC.
  • Device B: The security key that will be used to store the passkey.


We will generate a test for creating a passkey on a security key that can be shared with other developers, archived in documentation, or used as a bug report. As we test passkeys, we will use a resident key.

Step-by-step Guide – How to test a security key with passkeys?

  1. Start debugging: Open a fresh Passkeys Debugger session: Navigate to https://www.passkeys-debugger.io on Device A. In case you already used it on the device, click "Reset state".
  2. Prepare debugging: Validate that your browser supports WebAuthn: Take a look at the first two boxes:
  3. Passkey Creation – Select Tab “Passkey Creation”: Under the 'Passkey Creation' tab, set the 'Authenticator Attachment' setting to 'Cross-Platform' to indicate that an external security key will be used.
  4. (Optional) Passkey Creation - Configure Additional Settings: For a standard passkey test, you can leave all options on the default setting.
  5. Passkey Creation - Start: Click the 'Start Passkey Creation' button. The browser will prompt you to insert or connect your security key.
  6. Passkey Creation - Complete: Insert the security key into the USB port or tap it on an NFC reader and touch the key's sensor to authenticate the passkey creation.
  7. Passkey Creation - Review Attestation Response: Check the 'Parsed Attestation Response' to verify that the security key successfully generated the attestation object.
    • On the left side: You can see the raw version of the attestation response that is not decoded yet.
    • On the right side: You can see the parsed version of the attestation response. It has been decoded. You can see that the security key provides an attestation statement.
    • Attestation response
    • At the top of the page, you will notice the passkey has been created, with the Username  you have provided or the default Username.
    • Passkey creation
  8. Passkey Login – Select Tab “Passkey Creation”: Change to the "Passkey Login" tab.
  9. Passkey creation
  10. (Optional) Passkey Login - Configure Additional Settings: For a standard security key passkey login, you can leave all options on their default settings. After you have created the passkey the Credential Transport will be filled with ["nfc", "usb"] which will trigger the security key login.
  11. Passkey Login – Start: Click the 'Start Passkey Login' button. The browser will prompt you to insert, connect your security key again and/or enter your security key pin.
  12. Passkey Login - Complete: Insert the security key into the USB port or tap it on an NFC reader and touch the key's sensor / enter PIN to authenticate the login.
  13. 12. Passkey Login - Review Assertion Response: Check the 'Parsed Assertion Response' to verify that the security key successfully generated the assertion response.
    • On the left side: You can see the raw version of the assertion response that is not decoded yet.
    • On the right side: You can see the parsed version of the assertion response. It has been decoded.
      • - Device-bound passkey: The flags are easily readable you will see that backedupEligible & backedStatus are both false, as passkeys on security keys are device bound.
      • - User verification: You can find out of strong user verification has been completed by verifying userPresent & userVerified are both true.
      • Passkey creation
  14. Share debugging result: You have concluded and recorded a full testing session, all information can now be shared with the URL of your test. You can:
    • Re-visit the test: You can revisit your testcase in the future. You may want to link the Passkey Debugger directly in your Wiki.
    • Use results: You can let other people create test cases for you on rare devices and send you the results.
    • Start testing different options: You can now go back and test different settings and scenarios.
    • Look at recorded meta-data: Additional information is recorded with the test, so you can lookup in which device (user-agent, client hints) and under which configuration it has been completed (Bluetooth).

You can find our test with a Yubikey here.

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